If you feel besieged by worry and doubt about how to sell art.....how to find your collector... how you can talk about your art in a way to make people buy it...

You're Not Alone

Selling art can be a serious commitment, one that takes time and determination. It can be overwhelming and daunting.

It's natural to feel anxious and worried...but with some guidance from the Course,  and a calm voice at the other end of the phone, there is help.

Your Art needs to get out There!

Honour your talent and learn the tools that will take your art to your client. 

You have the ability to do this.

You need a Plan. You need a Guide.


Digital Marketing Training Program

Learn the steps to launch and market your art online. It's more than building a website. Once you build it, you have to learn how to amplify your voice and attract your client.

It's Time to Take Action!

Learn the steps to launch and market your art online.

What happens when you learn the digital marketing tools you need?

  • Your art finds your buyers!
  • You reduce the risk of not selling at a show because you follow up with your clients.
  • You have more time to make art instead of traveling to shows.
  • You are happier and less worried because the collectors are there and waiting.

The best part? I am here to help you!

Every one of my students gets personal help in guiding your next steps when marketing your art. This includes advising in designing your website, strategies in paid ads or just having someone to keep pushing you to put your work out there. 

Try a Free Taste!

A few lessons to try for free.

Try a Complementary shortened version of the 4 hour crash course. These few lessons give you an insight into how the course will be on a longer basis. When you subscribe you will also get the "5 steps to success to art online!" The first baby steps to being successful selling art online.


"You were the Spark!"

by Tash D- photographer

I wanted to thank you for all your help and advice! It came at just the right time, to get me going on what I had been considering for awhile. I really appreciate how insightful and action oriented you are!! You were the spark that made it all work!

"Worthwhile investment!"

Paul B- painter

"Comprehensive, detailed and fast paced. An informative, worthwhile investment to start your own presence online!"

"I thought I knew it all"

Rodney- Professional Artist

I managed my own business for 18 years. The website was developed by a professional designer. I enjoyed maintaining the site with input from the designer. I thought I knew it all. Until I sat in a webinar with Marjolyn. The subject was on website design and its importance. I had my website redesigned the following day!!