
Looking for One on One Help?

Working one on one can be the best way. Do you need help assessing your website, branding, social media or email content? Where do you begin to improve your communication? How is your messaging being communicated? Interested in working with me? Reach out and we can chat about what your needs are; [email protected] or 416-999-7252
woman on phone

Get the Plan!

Buy the Crash Course and find your way to success in marketing your art online!


Branding Client

Tash D

"I wanted to thank you for all your help and advice! It came at just the right time, to get me going on what I had been considering for awhile. I really appreciate how insightful and action oriented you are!! You were the spark that made it all work!"

FB Ad Client

Zoey Z

"Marjolyn was instrumental in getting my Facebook business account sorted and set up correctly. She clearly guided me through the steps needed for getting proper Facebook ads together, with both images and videos. She helped me avoid some major technical pitfalls with Facebook that would have been extremely frustrating without her advice and support."

Website Client

Rodney C

"I managed my own business for 18 years. The website was developed by a professional designer. I enjoyed maintaining the site with input from the designer. I thought I knew it all. Until I sat in a webinar with Marjolyn. The subject was on website design and its importance. I had my website redesigned the following day!!"